Joyful Journeys

A one-hour story mountain workshop
for KS2 and KS3

Taking Joseph Campbell’s idea of the Hero’s Journey, in this workshop children explore how we experience story mountains as readers, before planning and writing a climactic scene themselves.

what happens in this workshop?

I show my story mountain and explain how my characters overcome obstacles I put in their way.

Different kinds of crises and jeopardy we might encounter in fiction and why they’re needed.

Each group is given a ‘StoryBox’ containing clues that enable them to brainstorm and write a climactic scene.

support & feedback
I go round and help each group, then at the end I invite a handful of children read their work aloud and I offer feedback to support what they’ve learned.

Whiteboards, pencil and plain paper work best, thesauruses are also a handy extra sometimes.

success criteria
The adventure of opening the ‘StoryBox’ and exploring how to use the contents to inspire a pivotal story scene stimulates children’s imaginations and produces quick collaborative results.